Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chapter 13: Teaching Every Student

Journal Questions 1 - 4.

Chapter 12: Creating Learning Environments

Journal Questions 1 - 4.

Chapter 11: Motivation in Learning and Teaching

Journal Questions 1 - 4. 

5.  What motivates you as a student?  What motivational strategies to you plan to use with your future students?

Chapter 10: Social Cognitive Views of Learning and Motivation

Journal Questions 1 - 4.

5.  How would you respond to mistakes in your classroom without communicating to students that their mistakes are the result of low ability?  You also want to avoid being unrealistic about what they can do or implying the the material is "easy."

Chapter 9: The Learning Sciences and Constructivism

Journal Questions 1 - 4.

Chapter 8: Complex Cognitive Processes

Journal Questions 1 - 4

5.  Problem solving is often represented in math and science curricula.  How might you incorporate problem-sloving activities in the classes you will teach?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chapter 7: Cognitive Views of Learning

Journal Questions 1 - 4

5.  Students in your middle school math class can solve problems for homework, but get confused on tests that cover several clusters.  They don't seem to know when to apply one procedure and when to use another.  How would you help them?

Chapter 6: Behavioral Views and Motivation

Journal Questions 1-4

5.  It takes you 10 minutes to get your class to settle down after the bell rings.  Analyze this situation.  What could be maintaining this problem?  What could you do?

Monday, September 20, 2010

Chapter 5: Culture and Diversity

Journal Questions 1-4

Choose one:

4.  Several of your students are from a public housing project in the district and clearly have fewer advantages than the other students in your class.  You are concerned that the "project" students never seem to work or play with the others in the class.  What would you do?

5.  One day you notice that the males are doing most of the talking in your 8th grade classes.  Just out of curiosity, you start to note each day how many girls and boys make contributions, and ask questions.  You are really surprised to see that your first impression was correct.  What would you do to encourage more participation by your female students?

Chapter 4: Learner Differences and Learning Needs

Journal Questions 1-4

4.  All of the different ways to classify students can get confusing.  How can you integrate and be informed by IQ, learning preferences, etc. to create a holistic view of a student?

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Chapter 3: The Self, Social, and Moral Development

Respond to the following questions:

1.  What ideas in the chapter will be most useful or valuable to you in a future teaching situation?
2.  How has the content of this chapter changed your view of teaching and learning?
3.  How might you design your classroom using the ideas in this chapter?
4.  Questions that this information has evoked.
5.  Many researchers have suggested that self-esteem is determined by how successful we are in accomplishing tasks or reaching goals we value.  As a middle or high school teacher, how might you use this information to maximize learning in subjects traditionally considered boring?

Chapter 2: Cognitive Development and Langluage

Respond to the following questions:

1.What ideas in the chapter will be most useful or valuable to you in a future teaching situation?
2.  How has the content of this chapter changed your view of teaching and learning?
3.  How might you design your classroom using the ideas in this chapter?
4.  Questions that this information has evoked.

Chapter 1: Learning, Teaching, and Educational Psychology

Respond to the following questions:

1.  What ideas in the chapter will be most useful or valuable to you in a future teaching situation?
2.  How has the content of this chapter changed your view of teaching and learning?
3.  How might you design your classroom using the ideas in this chapter?
4.  Do you believe that teachers make a difference?  What examples from your own education might support that view?